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redefining possible

with creative legal solutions

Stop Foreclosure And Take Control Of Past-Due Mortgage Payments

Get The Information You Need to Make The Right Decision

Talk To Our Experienced Lawyer In A Free Initial Consultation

Your house is more than just a roof over your head. It is the home where you raise your children, where you and your friends gather, and where your family feels safe and secure.

When unforeseen debts or other financial hardships threaten your ability to pay your mortgage and retain your home, it's important to remember that you have options.

At The Associates, in Florida, we can help you stop foreclosure proceedings and keep your family in their home. We go further in our representation to help you address the underlying issues that led to the default. David Merrill is in a unique position to help you as an attorney with over 19 years of bankruptcy experience and the owner of a respected law firm, let us help you.

"What is your intention with the home?" is a question mortgage collectors often ask, but it is not so easy to answer. Every financial situation is different, and there are many options for resolving mortgage issues. We provide you experienced and honest advice based on your individual circumstances before making any decision.

We can help you understand the benefits and consequences of every option, including:

  • Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy

  • Filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

  • Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy

  • Selling your home, including by way of a short sale

  • Refinancing your loan

  • Negotiating a loan modification

  • Agreeing to a forbearance

You should never feel pressured to make an important financial decision that will affect your future and your family's, which is why we choose to offer free initial consultations. Schedule your consultation with our attorney by completing a confidential form online or by calling our offices in West Palm Beach at 561-877-1111. Se habla español tambien.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code when necessary.

We Can Help You Protect Your Investment And Defend Your Family's Home

Tell us about your legal matter. Your Case is confidential.

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch with you shortly, or call us directly at 561-877-1111.
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We can help. Contact us today


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