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What Is Collaborative Divorce?

If you and your spouse are going through a divorce, let's face it: you already have enough stress to deal with. You should not have to worry about the legal process taking up all of your time and money.

Fortunately, that is where collaborative divorce comes in. Instead of bitterness, anger and lawyers telling you that you can have it all, you work with an attorney who can help you and your spouse find a positive way forward (You really can!).

At The Associates, we are led by experienced family law attorney David Lloyd Merrill, who has seen what happens to families when divorce disputes rage on endlessly. If you come to our office in West Palm Beach, Florida, we can help you determine if a collaborative divorce is right for you and your spouse. Not in West Palm Beach? Let us know of a more convenient place to meet and we'll work that out for you as well.

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In a collaborative divorce, you and your spouse will sit down with your lawyers for the express purpose of creating a settlement. You will not have to appear in court, giving you and your spouse much-needed privacy. If sticking points arise, you can bring in neutral experts — accountants, psychiatrists, etc. — to help find solutions.

There are aspects of your divorce that you must address at some point: custody, property division, child support, etc. While it may be fun to imagine two lawyers beating up on each other, why spend tens of thousands of dollars going to trial when you can work out a compromise and move on toward your new life for a fraction of that?

The collaborative process has lasting benefits beyond just getting through a divorce. Learning how to build consensus will make it easier for you and your ex-spouse to continue to work together to raise children, minimizing the disruption in your children's lives. It could also make it easier to modify the terms of your divorce if the need ever arises.

Many couples are surprised to find out that collaborative divorce is an option or that they would be suited for it. To learn about protecting your best interests without the stress and emotion of litigation, contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Call 561-877-1111 to get started.

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