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Providing For Your Financial Security After Divorce

Making the decision to end a marriage is never easy and it's normal to feel emotional and anxious about the future. At The Associates, we know that this is a difficult time and that you likely feel overwhelmed by all of the changes you must contemplate and face. We also know that the decisions you make during your divorce can positively or negatively affect your life and the lives of your children for years to come.

When it comes to dividing property and assets in divorce, we take great care to make sure that you have the information you need to weigh your options and make sound decisions.

Before entering into any discussions or negotiations, we take steps to ensure that all marital assets and debts are accounted for, including:

  • Bank accounts

  • Investment accounts

  • Retirement accounts

  • Real estate

  • Motor vehicles

  • Household belongings

  • Family heirlooms

  • Business assets

Your Advocates And Guides Through The Divorce Process

Once all property, assets and debts are accounted for, it's important to determine the actual value of each asset or item. In Florida, marital property is divided based upon a principle known as equitable distribution meaning that each spouse should receive a fair, not necessarily equal, settlement.

You and your soon-to-be ex may be able to discuss and come to an agreement about some or many marital assets. Others, however, may be disputed or you may suspect that a spouse is hiding or intentionally undervaluing assets. When disputes arise related to the division of marital property, you need a lawyer who will fiercely protect your interests and who won't hesitate to take action to obtain a settlement that provides for your current and future financial security.

To learn more about how we can help you obtain a fair divorce settlement, call a family law attorney at our West Palm Beach office at 561-877-1111 or send us an inquiry through our online contact form.

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with creative legal solutions

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